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Our Unique Machine Development Process


What is the Dynacast Machine Building Centre?

Dynacast’s Machine Building Centre, located in Germany, has the engineering staff and facility capabilities to develop some of the most precise die casting machines in the world. Our 22 facilities rely on the Machine Building Centre to provide them with the machines they require to meet our diverse customers needs. 

This location takes idea submissions from Dynacast facilities around the globe. For example, two years ago Dynacast Singapore needed more magnesium machines and asked the Centre for assistance. The department then began upgrading an existing A3 machine that could operate with magnesium materials. This machine was built and successfully tested and is now available in Dynacast Singapore. 

To keep up with the demands of 23 facilities, we have created two teams: one that works on the development of mechanical designs and the other that works on the hardware development of electronic control systems. By dual tracking development, it speeds up the process of development as well as allows multiple points of validation to ensure a machine’s design will work as planned.

After our developers have approved designs and the machine has been built, the next step is to test the machine to make sure it works properly. We test all of our new developments under live conditions in a dedicated casting production site in Germany. This ensures that we provide the best possible machine quality before we ship it to our global facilities.

Machine Developments

The A2 thruster machine was developed based on the original A2 but has an increased locking force from 3.5 tons to six tons. Our A3 SIS is also equipped with a higher locking force but has a new development – the servo hydraulic injection system (SIS). The SIS system has been applied in all of our hydraulic machines since this innovation and it has been very successful.

The A210 SIS is a new development by the Dynacast Machine Building Centre. This machine reaches ten-ton locking force and has the servo hydraulic injection system. It also has the velocity of a smaller A2 machine.

Finally, just this past year we started on a new Dynacast PC9 control system for the next generation of SIS machines. The PC9 controller is an industrial PC with a 19” touchscreen and includes the latest Siemens hard- and software. This enables the machines to have faster SIS program processing and it is easier to upgrade when new advancements in technology are made. The first A210 SIS machine with PC9 controller is now running in production. 

One of the current projects we are working on is an A206 E. This has the base of an A2 Thruster machine but has an electromechanical injection system.

Do you have any questions regarding the Dynacast Machine Building Centre? I’d love to hear your comments and questions.


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Last updated 08.26.2024